Note: For pages to appear in the sitemap - there MUST be a nested folder structure - where all top level pages are indicated as in top nav - this is the only way we can guarantee all pages get crawled. = For Purpose
site.title = We're a digital campaigning agency with purpose
site.headline = We're a digital campaigning agency with purpose
site.subheadline = We're a campaigning agency with purpose, leveraging digital to move people and create change.
site.has_meta_image? = true
site.meta_image_url =
Depth - 0 | Depth - 1 | Depth - 2 |
name = Our work headline = Our work slug = our-work excerpt = For Purpose digital projects. Our clients challenge the status quo, and we give them the tools to do it. We design and deliver campaigns for people that are changing the world in profound ways. We’re proud to be their partners in creating that change. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = | ||
name = Our Work banner subpage headline = Our work slug = our_work_banner_subpage excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = He Kāinga Rawaka He Tika Tangata headline = He Kāinga Rawaka He Tika Tangata slug = housing-hrc excerpt = Te Kāhui Tika Tangata, the Human Rights Commission of New Zealand (HRC) launched an inquiry to understand people’s experiences of housing, to generate solutions for the housing system and engaged For Purpose to develop the digital engagement and creative strategy to support the campaign. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = housing banner headline = He Kāinga Rawaka He Tika Tangata slug = housing_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = CAHA headline = CAHA Website slug = caha-website excerpt = The Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA) is Australia’s peak body on climate and health. For Purpose developed the digital toolset that would enable their vision. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = caha_banner headline = CAHA Website slug = caha_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = beatthefever headline = #beatthefever slug = beatthefever excerpt = AHPlus engaged For Purpose to create a campaign for 2022 that would reach the Pasifika community in Auckland, promoting an awareness campaign addressing the Rheumatic Fever epidemic. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = alliance health plus banner headline = #beatthefever slug = alliance_health_plus_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Health not Handcuffs headline = Health not Handcuffs slug = health-not-handcuffs excerpt = Health Not Handcuffs was launched in 2019 by a group of health and social justice organisations united in their desire to champion compassionate, evidence-based approaches to drug and alcohol use. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = health not handcuffs banner headline = Health not Handcuffs slug = health_not_handcuffs_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = First Alaskans Institute Website headline = First Alaskans Institute Website slug = fai-website excerpt = First Alaskans Institute is an Alaska Native advocacy nonprofit focused on the protection and advancement of Alaska Native peoples. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = fai_website_banner headline = First Alaskans Institute Website slug = fai_website_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = IFEM Website headline = IFEM Website slug = ifem-website excerpt = IFEM works to achieve this through educating, advocating and supporting growth of the emergency medicine specialty in every country. We worked with IFEM to develop a website that would foster collaboration between health professionals on a global scale. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = ifem banner headline = IFEM Website slug = ifem_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori headline = Te Wā Tuku Reo | Multi-year behaviour change campaign slug = te-wa-tuku-reo-maori excerpt = Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori. For Purpose helped make history by supporting Te Taura Whiri to create the single largest celebration of the Māori language ever. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = te wa banner headline = Te Wā Tuku Reo | Multi-year behaviour change campaign slug = te_wa_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Stories of Te Reo headline = Stories of Te Reo slug = stories-of-te-reo excerpt = Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori, the Māori Language Commission, engaged For Purpose to support a public storytelling campaign that empowers users to collect the stories of their own communities so these kōrero can live on forever. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = te reo stories banner headline = Stories of Te Reo slug = te_reo_stories_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = InUnion App headline = InUnion App slug = inunion-app excerpt = For Purpose worked to create a mobile app that would improve the union’s recruitment, organising and engagement with its members. This app created a convenient space for members to access important information, fostered effective communication between the union’s staff and its members and collated a multitude of data which helped the union to track efficiency and growth. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = union app banner headline = InUnion App slug = inunion_app_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Access Matters headline = Access Matters slug = access-matters excerpt = The Access Alliance’s mission is to live in a country with a shared sense of belonging, where every individual has the same opportunity to contribute. What began as building their website, turned into a complete rebrand of the campaign including messaging guidelines, multimedia content creation and ongoing campaigning to increase awareness of, and support for, their proposed Accessibility for New Zealanders Act. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = access matters banner headline = Access Matters slug = access_matters_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Generation Zero headline = Generation Zero slug = generation-zero excerpt = Generation Zero focus on climate justice and create localised climate action and ensure that rangatahi have a voice in the climate movement. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = genz_banner headline = Generation Zero Website slug = genz_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Te Hou Ora Whānau Services headline = Te Hou Ora Whānau Services slug = thows-website excerpt = For Purpose built a website for Te Hou Ora Whānau Services, a vital tool for storytelling and and reflects the kaupapa Māori Organisation's aims to showcase their work, their future, the people doing the mahi and the communities they serve has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = thows_banner headline = Te Hou Ora Whānau Services slug = thows_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Stories around us headline = Ngā kōrero i a tātou | Stories around us slug = stories_around_us excerpt = Ngā kōrero i a tātou | Stories around us project was part of an initiative to grow people’s connectedness to the natural world by expanding their sense of identity to include the natural spaces around them. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = stories around us banner headline = Ngā kōrero i a tātou | Stories around us slug = storiesaroundus_banner excerpt = Elevating personal connections to the natural world has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Tauranga Moana Election Campaign headline = Tauranga Moana Election Campaign slug = tauranga_moana_election_campaign excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Tauranga Moana Election Campaign banner headline = Tauranga Moana Election Campaign slug = tauranga_moana_election_campaign_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Carosika Collaborative website and Taonga Tuku Iho Best Practice Guide headline = Carosika Collaborative website and Taonga Tuku Iho Best Practice Guide slug = carosika_collaborative_website_and_taonga_tuku_iho_best_practice_guide excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = CC banner headline = Carosika Collaborative website and Taonga Tuku Iho Best Practice Guide slug = cc_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Our Purpose headline = Our purpose slug = our-purpose excerpt = We’re a social enterprise which amplifies other socially-led organisations, not-for-profits, charities, companies, and campaigns that strive for a more just & equal planet. Our small but nimble team harnesses the latest digital strategies, tools, and tactics to boost your social impact. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = | ||
name = What we offer headline = What we offer slug = services excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Campaigns for change headline = Campaigns for change slug = campaigns excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Service - Campaigns for change banner headline = Campaigns for change slug = service_campaigns_for_change_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Storytelling for Impact headline = Storytelling for Impact slug = storytelling excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Service - Storytelling for Impact banner headline = Storytelling for Impact slug = service_storytelling_for_impact_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Design, Branding, and Content headline = Design, Branding, and Content slug = design excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Service - Design, Branding and Content banner headline = Design, Branding and Content slug = service_design_branding_and_content_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Digital Tools and Development headline = Digital Tools and Development slug = development excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Service - Digital Tools and Development banner headline = Digital Tools and Development slug = service_digital_tools_and_development_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Training headline = Training slug = training excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Campaign Strategy Training headline = Campaign Strategy Training slug = campaign_strategy_training excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Campaign Planning headline = Campaign Planning slug = campaign_planning excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Campaign debrief and reflection headline = Campaign debrief and reflection slug = campaign_debrief_and_reflection excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Strategy tune-up: reviewing and strengthening headline = Strategy tune-up: reviewing and strengthening slug = strategy_tune_up excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Ongoing campaign support headline = Ongoing campaign support slug = ongoing_campaign_support excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = training header banner headline = Training slug = training_header_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = About headline = We are For Purpose slug = about excerpt = For Purpose is a values-led social enterprise run by dedicated, passionate people driven by a common goal to create positive, meaningful, lasting change. We do this by creating digital tools, strategies and content for people we believe are working to achieve positive outcomes for people and the planet. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = | ||
name = News headline = News slug = news excerpt = Sharing some of the good stuff we have achieved, campaigns we have been part of and digital campaigning ideas are thinking about! has_meta_image? = true meta_image = | ||
name = News banner subpage headline = News slug = news_banner_subpage excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = We're a certified Nationbuilder Agency! headline = We're a certified Nationbuilder Agency! slug = certified-nationbuilder-agency excerpt = We're a certified Nationbuilder Agency! has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = We're a certified Nation Builder agency! headline = We're a certified Nation Builder agency! slug = certified_banner excerpt = We're a certified Nation Builder agency! has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Why become Living Wage accredited? headline = Why become Living Wage accredited? slug = living-wage-accredited excerpt = Living Wage is the hourly wage a worker needs to pay for the necessities of life and participate as an active citizen in the community. For us it makes sense to support a movement that is simple yet powerful so For Purpose have recently become Living Wage accredited. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = living wage banner headline = Why become a Living Wage Employer? slug = living_wage_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = living wage image headline = slug = living_wage_image excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Stories of Te Reo champions our indigenous language revival headline = 'Stories of Te Reo' champions our indigenous language revival slug = te-reo-stories-news excerpt = The struggle for the survival of te reo Māori is documented on the new Stories of Te Reo website, a project we are proud to have brought to life, coinciding with the The UN General Assembly proclaiming 2022-2032 as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = C&E Reed Awards 2023 - For Purpose are winners again! headline = C&E Reed Awards 2023 - For Purpose are winners again! slug = reed-awards-2023 excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = reed header banner headline = C&E Reed Awards 2023 - For Purpose are winners again! slug = reed_header_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = We are now a Carbon Positive digital agency! headline = We are now a Carbon Positive digital agency! slug = we-are-now-a-carbon-positive-digital-agency excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = ekos banner headline = We are now a Carbon Positive digital agency! slug = ekos_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = February 2023 newsletter headline = February 2023 newsletter slug = february-2023-newsletter excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = April 2023 newsletter headline = April 2023 newsletter slug = our_latest_newsletter excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = 5 Reasons why National (or any political party) shouldn’t be using AI images headline = 5 Reasons why National (or any political party) shouldn’t be using AI images slug = 5_reasons_why_national_or_any_political_party_shouldn_t_be_using_ai_images excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = AI header banner headline = 5 Reasons why National (or any political party) shouldn’t be using AI images slug = ai_header_banner excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Getting your campaign ready for Aotearoa's 2023 General Election. A rough guide. headline = Getting your campaign ready for Aotearoa's 2023 General Election. A rough guide. slug = get-your-election-campaign-ready-2023 excerpt = Last call for Aotearoa's General Election 2023. A rough guide to getting your campaign up if you haven't already. has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = July 2023 Newsletter headline = July 2023 Newsletter slug = july_2023_newsletter excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = It’s Te Wiki o te reo Māori in the UN International Decade for Indigenous Languages! This is how we’re participating headline = It’s Te Wiki o te reo Māori in the UN International Decade for Indigenous Languages! This is how we’re participating slug = our-commitment-to-indigenous-languages excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = September 2023 Newsletter headline = September 2023 Newsletter slug = september_23_newsletter excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = 2023 Aotearoa General Election Mahi headline = 2023 Aotearoa General Election Mahi slug = 2023_aotearoa_general_election_mahi excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = What we can learn about effective messaging from Election 23 advocacy campaigns headline = What we can learn about effective messaging from Election 23 advocacy campaigns slug = what_we_can_learn_about_effective_messaging_from_election_23_advocacy_campaigns excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = We’ve scored the 2023 Aotearoa New Zealand General Election scorecards headline = We’ve scored the 2023 Aotearoa New Zealand General Election scorecards slug = the_scorecard_of_scorecards excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Unlocking web accessibility - empowering all users, one alt tag at a time headline = Unlocking web accessibility - empowering all users, one alt tag at a time slug = unlocking_web_accessibility_empowering_all_users_one_alt_tag_at_a_time excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = October 2023 Newsletter headline = October 2023 Newsletter slug = october_2023_news excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Our Statement on Palestine headline = Freedom, Equality and Justice for Palestine slug = our-statement-on-palestine excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Toitū Te Tiriti | Honour Te Tiriti headline = Toitū Te Tiriti | Honour Te Tiriti slug = toit_te_tiriti_honour_te_tiriti excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = December 2023 Newsletter headline = December 2023 Newsletter slug = december_2023_newsletter excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Te Rā o Waitangi: Hope and Action headline = Te Rā o Waitangi: Hope and Action | February 2024 newsletter slug = te_r_o_waitangi_hope_and_action excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = 5 Things We’ve Learned About Effective Campaigning headline = 5 Things We’ve Learned About Effective Campaigning slug = 5-things-weve-learned-about-effective-campaigning excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Kristin Gillies - 5 questions headline = Kristin Gillies - 5 questions slug = kristin_5_questions excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = May 2024 Pānui | Newsletter headline = May 2024 Pānui | Newsletter slug = may_panui excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Book Club: People, Power, Change Organizing for Democratic Renewal headline = Book Club: People, Power, Change Organizing for Democratic Renewal slug = book-club excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Power and Positionality in advocacy campaigns headline = Power and positionality in advocacy campaigns slug = powerandpositionality excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Te Tiriti in Practice: Navigating the Journey from Document to Daily Practice headline = Te Tiriti in Practice: Navigating the Journey from Document to Daily Practice slug = te-tiriti-in-practice excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = The antidote to hate headline = The antidote to hate slug = the_antidote_to_hate excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = The antidote to hate: countering divisive and harmful messaging. For Purpose Lunch & Learn headline = The antidote to hate: countering divisive and harmful messaging. slug = the-antidote-to-hate excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Lunch & Learn: Framing and messaging for movement building headline = Lunch & Learn: Framing and messaging for movement building slug = for_purpose_lunch_learn_session_2 excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Lunch & Learn: Storytelling with community headline = Lunch & Learn : Storytelling with community slug = for_purpose_lunch_learn_session_3 excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Lunch & Learn: Digital campaigning headline = Lunch & Learn: Digital campaigning slug = for_purpose_lunch_learn_session_1 excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Training workshop: Building an advocacy campaign strategy headline = Training workshop: Building an advocacy campaign strategy slug = training_workshop_building_an_advocacy_campaign_strategy excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = Non-profit + individual - Pōneke headline = Non-profit + individual - Pōneke slug = non_profit_individual_poneke excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Government + for-profit - Pōneke headline = Government + for-profit - Pōneke slug = government_for_profit_poneke excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Student + scholarship - Pōneke headline = Student + scholarship - Pōneke slug = student_scholarship_poneke excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Non-profit + individual - Tamaki Makaurau headline = Non-profit + individual - Tamaki Makaurau slug = non_profit_individual_tamaki_makaurau excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Student + scholarship - Tamaki Makaurau headline = Student + scholarship - Tamaki Makaurau slug = student_scholarship_tamaki_makaurau excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = Government + for-profit - Tamaki Makaurau headline = Government + for-profit - Tamaki Makaurau slug = government_for_profit_tamaki_makaurau excerpt = has_meta_image? = false meta_image = |
name = August Newsletter headline = August 2024 Pānui | Newsletter slug = august_newsletter excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |
name = December 2024 Newsletter headline = December 2024 Newsletter slug = december_2024_newsletter excerpt = has_meta_image? = true meta_image = |